Monday, August 18, 2014

The Ministry of Angels

On a winter night in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, my missionary companion and I were driving home from a long day of work.  Suddenly Taira decided to take a right turn into a grocery store parking lot where we would normally park to visit a family in a nearby apartment.  Upset that he decided to continue working when I was very tired due to some feeling he had, we got out and began walking to their apartment.  We never made it to their apartment because, along the way, we found a man crying in the snow.  His girlfriend had just broken up with him and he was hysterical.  We spent 20 minutes comforting him and then we went home.

I had just witnessed the fingerprints of God.  This experience was a testament that God cares about us.  That somewhere in the lawn of some low-income housing complex in the starry night of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, a man experiencing real pain reached out to God in distress and God answered.  The ministry of angels dispatched us to his location, where we unknowingly delivered a message of comfort from God to a man who needed it just then, in a language the man could understand:  English.

God cares about us and commissions his helpers both seen and unseen to touch and speak to those who are alone in the tumult of this world.  He cares about you and your seemingly minute problems.  He doesn't just care about the high and the mighty but, during his life, Jesus championed the peasant class.  He recognized value in all who have a human brain:  decrepit or whole, young or old, rich or poor, churchgoing or nonreligious, sinful or abiding, Jew or Gentile, peasant or prince, dead or alive.


The Mormon Examiner
Title:  The Ministry of Angels
Author:  Austin Skousen
Section:  Manna Inspiration Chest
Originally Published:  Monday, August 19th, 2014
Last Updated:  Thursday, September 11th, 2014

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